Stredwick Stables
Horse Boarding
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About the Owner:
Sandra and John Stredwick are the owners/ caretakers of Stredwick Stables. The property is located at 2705 W. Van Giesen in Richland, WA. This facility flows into W.E. Johnson Riding Park and is close to the Richland Riders’ Club. This property has been in Sandra’s family for over 45 years always boarding horses. John takes great care managing the grounds while Sandra handles the business end. You may see her riding her horse on the facilities from time to time to make sure all meets her specifications.
Here at Stredwick Stables we offer high quality alfalfa hay, grass hay, and alfalfa hay cubes for your horse. We feed twice a day. If you provide supplements for your horse, we will feed them on an agreed upon schedule. Water buckets are kept clean and filled daily and heated throughout the winter months. Stredwick Stables will keep your horse’s corrals clean and dry.
Boarding Facility Choices
Stredwick Stables provides a choice of stable accommodations for your horse. One choice includes a barn stall with a 16x30 foot run and private time for your horse in the timeshare pasture each week. The second choice of accommodations for your horse is a private 100X300 foot pasture that includes a 12x12 foot shelter with attached coral.
There is room to ride in this 100X200 foot arena. Ride by yourself or with other boarders as you work and enjoy your horse. Arrange for your trainer to come to you and help you reach the next riding level.
Round Pen
Here at Stredwick Stables we have a 48 foot round pen to lounge your horse. It’s perfect for ground training or a quick workout on a busy day for your animal. Whether you are warming up before a ride or cooling down after one, the round pen is there for your needs.
Wash Rack
On a hot day after a workout take time to use our wash rack. It provides cooling relief for your exercised horse. Or maybe you just want some time to groom and clean your animal. Your horse will appreciate the makeover.
John takes great pride with his modified outhouse. This is no ordinary outhouse. Don’t let the rough-cut board façade fool you. Take a peek inside and see the tastefully decorated walls. It’s even heated through the cold winter months providing a welcome relief to tired riders.
Tack Room
A space for your tack is in our tack room. There you will meet Miss Kittie, the barn cat, who is in charge of this space. She meows for gentle petting in return for purrs as you enter or leave her domain. She is horse savvy, mouse wise, and a friend to all who come into the tack room.
Veterinary Chute
If your horse needs a safe place for a doctor exam or annual shots, the doctor’s chute is available. It will keep you and your animal safe during those difficult times.
Pick Up and Delivery
Don’t have a way to get your horse here? Stredwick Stables can provide transportation to our property if needed.